From Food Desert to Food Oasis: USDA Grant Brings Sustainably Grown Produce to the Promise Zone

Everyone should have access to fresh food. Sadly, however, in many urban centers across the country, food accessibility is a growing and multifaceted concern. In an effort to combat food scarcity here in Orlando, Fleet Farming, an agricultural movement that turns residential lawns into microfarms, teamed up with community partners to make fresh food a… Continue reading From Food Desert to Food Oasis: USDA Grant Brings Sustainably Grown Produce to the Promise Zone

What Type of Composter Are You? Here Are 4 Methods From a Composting Pro.

If 2019 was the year the world woke up to climate change, then 2020 is the year we all should get more acquainted with our waste. Americans are a blithely wasteful lot, producing more than four pounds of trash per person each day. That shakes out to about 267 million tons annually. And 40% of… Continue reading What Type of Composter Are You? Here Are 4 Methods From a Composting Pro.