Permaculture Design Principle #2: 5 Energy Stores

Energy exists all around us.1 Good permaculture designs consider how to best utilize these forms of energy which have vast potential. For permaculture design principle #2, we will explore the types of energy that may be present around us and the variety of ways to capture and store this energy. In the process of permaculture… Continue reading Permaculture Design Principle #2: 5 Energy Stores

Food Forest Friday!

Happy Pollinator Week! To conclude this awesome week, today’s blog is dedicated to food forests, which benefit, birds, bees, bats, butterflies, and YOU! What is a food forest you ask? Food forests are a facet of permaculture, meant to imitate a self-sustaining natural eco-system, creating a biologically diverse environment.  Do you ever grow tired of… Continue reading Food Forest Friday!