The Buzz about Bee Condos!

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During National Pollinator Week last month, the UCF Arboretum hosted a bee condo building event to showcase just how easy it is to help pollinators thrive in your own garden by providing a home for them. It was a typical hot and sunny summer day here in Central Florida, but that didn’t stop numerous students,… Continue reading The Buzz about Bee Condos!

Food Forest Friday!

Happy Pollinator Week! To conclude this awesome week, today’s blog is dedicated to food forests, which benefit, birds, bees, bats, butterflies, and YOU! What is a food forest you ask? Food forests are a facet of permaculture, meant to imitate a self-sustaining natural eco-system, creating a biologically diverse environment.  Do you ever grow tired of… Continue reading Food Forest Friday!

The Birds, The Bees, and Bats!

You may not realize it, but the birds you think you see in the sky at night are actually bats! There are over 1300 species of bats worldwide, making them the second largest mammal population. Although there are so many common misconceptions about them,  they are vital to the ecosystem health and our economy and… Continue reading The Birds, The Bees, and Bats!

Pollinator Week 2018

Happy Pollinator Week friends! Why are pollinators so important that we dedicated an entire week to them? Well, pollination is a very important process that contributes to our ecosystem in many ways, and it would not be possible without the help of this amazing group of animals known as pollinators. This week we’ll focus on… Continue reading Pollinator Week 2018