What is Fleet Farming?

Pedal Powered Urban Agriculture For All.

What is Fleet Farming?

Fleet Farming is an urban agriculture program of the 501(c)(3) non-profit and accredited NGO of the United Nations, IDEAS For Us. Fleet Farming transforms lawns into farms in the mission to increase local food accessibility while creating a healthier, more connected world.
Fleet Farming was founded in Orlando, Florida, in 2014. It came about during a design thinking
workshop known locally as The Hive. This workshop is hosted monthly by Orlando-based
nonprofit IDEAS For Us and it was during the Hive when participants began conceptualizing the
Fleet Farming model for the Audubon Park Neighborhood of Orlando.

Today, the typical American meal travels an average of 1500 miles from farm to table. As a
result, we put about 10 calories of fossil fuel energy in, for every calorie of food we get out. This
entire system attributes to 30% of human-caused CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, there are about
40 million acres of lawns under cultivation in the US. These lawns are consuming about 800
million gallons of gasoline for mowing and uses an average of 30-60% of our cities’ freshwater.
It’s a culmination of these key issues, that has lead us to the solution that is Fleet Farming.

Fleet Farming now has farmlettes in Audubon Park, Winter Park, Parramore, and Holden Heights. The produce is sharecropped with the farmlette host and provided to the immediate community through local S.N.A.P. Certified Farmer’s Market and to local vendors.

Fleet Farming offers other services such as edible landscaping through Fleet Installs and education opportunities through Fleet Education.

Join the “Swarm” of Fleet Farmers changing the world one lawn at a time. Visit us on the web at www.fleetfarming.org for more information.

Grow Food! Not Lawns.


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