Gardening For Renters

Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

The discourse surrounding the health and environmental benefits of growing your own fruits and vegetables is growing in awareness, and for good reason. Many people are choosing to utilize their backyards and lawns with Fleet Farming to cultivate gardens of fresh produce, but what can those living in an apartment or renting a home do… Continue reading Gardening For Renters

Our Plastic Problem

Small Price for Businesses, Big Costs to Our Planet The Ocean Conservancy organization has collected over 200 million pounds of waste from the ocean over the last 30 years. That includes straws, plastic bags, water bottles, cigarette filters, plastic utensils, and more. There is no number that exists for how much plastic bags have been used… Continue reading Our Plastic Problem

Monarch Mission

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Did you know that the Guinness World record for the longest known migration of the Lepidopteran species (butterflies and moths) is held by the male monarch butterfly? Monarch butterflies travel almost 3,000 miles to spend the winter in California and Mexico, and then return north to lay their eggs. This annual migration protects the species… Continue reading Monarch Mission

The Birds, The Bees, and Bats!

You may not realize it, but the birds you think you see in the sky at night are actually bats! There are over 1300 species of bats worldwide, making them the second largest mammal population. Although there are so many common misconceptions about them,  they are vital to the ecosystem health and our economy and… Continue reading The Birds, The Bees, and Bats!

Why Local?

On every corner of urbanized communities is a supermarket offering thousands of products and produce shipped from all over the world. While grocery stores are a convenient and inexpensive option for quick shopping, they do little to benefit the community economically and environmentally. There is also little information on where the produce comes from, and… Continue reading Why Local?